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Stop Struggling

with your weight
It's time for a new approach to food
"I want to press this book into the hands of every woman. It's a forthright and liberating "f you" to diet mentality and perfectionism."
- Turia Pitt

Let me tell you about the book…

Let me tell you about the book…

Chances are, you deserve a frequent flyer discount card based on how many diets you’ve tried! Perhaps, your weight feels like the one thing you can’t ‘fix’, and you can’t shake the feeling that your life would be better if your weight wasn’t ‘a problem’.

But what if the real problem is how you’ve been taught to fixate on your weight! Contradicting food rules and constant weight loss pursuits are keeping you stuck in the vicious yo-yo dieting cycle, ironically and frustratingly, gaining weight with each failed attempt.

This book offers a simple plan to break free from the dieting trap with small, doable healthy habits you can stick to no matter how busy life gets. With evidence-based strategies to help you find freedom with food and get more energy. And you bet I’ll share tools to help you deal with common pitfalls, such as perfectionism, comparison and body hatred.

Because real health isn’t about having a cellulite-free tush.

No one will stand up at your funeral and talk about your stomach pouch or whether or not you had scrawny arms (and if they do, they’re shit friends).

Read this book to liberate yourself from food guilt and self-blame and get a new approach to health that doesn’t rely on willpower or counting calories… because you can’t live a full life on an empty stomach.

It’s time to embrace a new way of thinking about health where you stop thinking of your weight as the problem, freeing you up to adopt all the delicious, sticky healthy habits that will actually help you feel good (no, amazing!) in your body.

Because real health isn’t about having a cellulite-free tush.

Is this book for you?

Read this book if:
Your weight feels like a struggle, like it’s holding you back
You’ve tried a bajillion diets, only to regain the weight (and maybe more!)
You’re ready to break free from yo-yo dieting for good
You want a healthier approach to food, no more fads

Warning: Reading this book is the gateway drug to a healthier relationship with food and a lifetime of healthy habits.

DO NOT read this book if:

You already have a deliciously healthy relationship with food and love your luscious lady (or lad) lumps. Oooft, I’m so happy for you!

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Oh hey,
I’m Lyndi Cohen!

For over a decade, I started a new diet EVERY Monday until I finally ditched counting calories, following meal plans and all that wellness wankery.

These days, I’m one of Australia’s most trusted dietitians and nutritionists, a TV regular on Channel 9’s Today Show, a best-selling author, and podcaster. As a recovered dieter, I’m serious about helping divinely wonderful people like you have a healthy relationship with food and adopt healthy habits that actually stick around.

You deserve to live in a world where you don’t feel guilty for eating or have to plan every crumb or almond you eat. If you’ve ever craved a healthier relationship with food, this is the best way to get started.


Want more support?

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There are so many ways I can help support you…

Between my books, app and online program, I’ve helped tens of thousands of people ditch diets and live happier and healthier lives.

Ditch dodgy weight loss diets
Stop binge and emotional eating
No Wellness Wankery Podcast

