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Oh hey!
I'm Lyndi Cohen.

A dietitian, TV Nutritionist and author who stands up against diet nonsense.

Diets suck

And most weight loss advice sets you up for weight gain. Luckily, you don’t have to give up 95% of your life to weigh 5% less.

For a decade, I started a new diet EVERY Monday until I finally ditched counting calories, meal plans and all that nutrition nonsense.

You deserve to live in a world where you don’t feel guilty for eating or have to plan every crumb or almond you eat.

Now I help lovely humans, like you, create a healthy relationship with food (bye-bye food guilt) and adopt healthy habits that actually stick around.

You don’t need to have a cellulite-free tush or washboard abs to be healthy.

For real health that lasts longer than a celebrity marriage, it’s time for a new approach.

How can I help you?

You may have seen me on:

How can I help you?

Free downloads just for you

Free course

Get my FREE 5 Day Course to stop binge and emotional eating

Feel out of control with food? I can help.

Safe food choices

Pregnancy food choices guide

Expecting a bub? Get my free guide for safe food choices during pregnancy.

F*CK DIETS Challenge

Losing weight is not your life’s purpose.

I’ll help you flip your middle finger to diet culture and find real health instead.


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