Most Food Sold in the Health Food Aisle Is Total BS. Here’s Why.
I’m not sure why it’s called the ‘health’ food aisle…
Take a stroll and all you’ll find are:
packaged foods (nothing fresh in sight)
sad, sugar-free imitations of chocolate
so-called ‘guilt-free’ indulgences
meal replacements and diet pills
overpriced, and almost always imported superfoods
processed foods designed for people with intolerances and allergies
Most of the products in the health food aisle are total BS.
Here are some examples:
‘Alkalising’ anything
Your body does NOT need ‘akalising’. This is not a thing. Your body does a tremendous job maintaining the PH levels of your organs. If your body couldn’t regulate PH, no $60 green alkalising powder would fix that.
Choose instead: Eat more vegetables. This one habit is far more effective (and scientifically proven) than any akalising product.
Start by adding in one more serving a day. Aim for 5+ a day and you’ll naturally crowd out less healthy options. Add a handful of spinach to meals, put cherry tomatoes on the kitchen counter to easily snack on and choose veggie-full meals when eating out.
You find heaps of recipe inspo in my app Back to Basics. Try it free for 7-days.
Diet products
There’s nothing healthy for you about diet pills, meal replacements or sugar-free chocolate (just eat the real deal and skip the diarrhoea!)
Even if you lose weight with these products, which I don’t endorse, the weight will come back when you stop using them. I’ve been there, done that. Nothing healthy about it.
If you need some help to leave the dieting world behind, sign up for my FREE 30-day challenge. I’ll teach you how to flip your middle finger to diet culture and find real health instead. Click here to sign up.

Protein bars and powders
Manufactured protein powders are highly processed. Even the ‘better’ ones don’t even closely resemble the ingredient/s they are made from.
Plus, they’re expensive and give you really bad-smelling gas. Most people don’t need protein supplements. Read more here.
Choose instead: Protein from real food like a handful of nuts, half a tin of legumes for lunch, a glass of milk or greek yoghurt.
The real ‘health food aisle’ is you find where real, whole foods.
Foods that don’t cost the earth or your weekly wages… foods like vegetables, fruit, legumes, whole grains, seeds and nuts.
While most of the food in the health aisle won’t harm you, they can distract you from the things that really matter.
So, you spend big $$$ on things that don’t fundamentally make you much healthier – but that take up the most mental energy.
In this episode of my podcast No Wellness Wankery, we were prompted by the amazing listener Laura with her question, “What is healthy food?”.
Spoiler alert: It’s a whole bunch of foods that don’t cost the earth or your weekly wages…
Let’s dive in.

Prioritise your energy on the healthy habits that make the biggest difference.
Save your energy for things that actually ‘move the dial’ such as:
Eating 1-2 serves of fruit every day.
Adding in one more serve of vegetables every day.
Leaving alcohol for weekends and special occasions
Choosing a healthier option like greek yoghurt with a bit of honey, your favourite piece of fruit or a smoothie instead of the daily treat of chocolate, lollies or biscuits when you get a sweet craving.
Cooking more at home. (Even one night a week will help).
Exercising several times a week, in a way that you enjoy.
Getting 8-9 hours of sleep.
Take home message
If you love getting products from the health aisle, please keep enjoying. When it comes to health, do what is right for you. Always.
But don’t be tricked into spending your mental energy (and money) on the health food aisle.
Cook more at home using fresh food, eat a bit of everything and enjoy.
For real health that lasts longer than a celebrity marriage, it’s time for a new approach. Here’s how I can help you…
📱 Want to be healthy but can’t handle going on another pesky diet? My Back to Basics App has everything you need. Try it FREE for 7-days.
🎙️ Listen to my podcast No Wellness Wankery, which will help you sidestep wellness wankery (phew!) so you can be healthy without dieting and feel better in your already wonderful body.
💜 Want help with binge or emotional eating? Check out my online program Keep It Real. It’s already helped thousands of people create a healthier, more balanced and intuitive relationship with food.
🥙 Just looking for recipe inspo? You’ll be stoked to find hundreds of FREE, deliciously simple recipes on my website!