How to eat for glowing healthy skin: Best foods for skin
In this blog post, you’ll read about the 9 best foods for your skin, according to a dietitian. Because face lotions and serums have a role to play, but what you put in your mouth really does show on the outside.
I definitely notice a difference in my skin when I eat certain foods. Of course, no amount of healthy foods can balance out too much stress, not enough sleep and out-of-balance hormones – or change your DNA.
So before an event or photoshoot, I make sure I get enough sleep (8 hours minimum), exercise and try to stress less using these strategies.
I’ll also add in more of these healthy foods to help get healthier looking skin…

1. Tomatoes
If you get sunspots and burn easily
Eat like the Mediterranean and load up on tomatoes. They contain lycopene (the pigment that makes the fruit red!), a seriously awesome antioxidant that neutralises free radicals that cause premature ageing. A study found that those who consumed tomato paste 33% more protection from the sun. Don’t skip the sunscreen but do add tomatoes to your meals like this breakfast.
2. Chocolate
Slows ageing skin + boosts mood
Dark chocolate can help your body produce endorphins, reducing stress and making you feel good.
In addition to reducing stress and putting a smile on your face (arguably the easiest way to look more beautiful!), dark chocolate contains flavonols, antioxidants that can slow the signs of ageing. I love Lindt chocolate. Look for chocolate with >80% cacao. You get used to the taste!

One of my favourites chocolate snacks from Back to Basics – Salted Carmel Dark Chocolate bites
3. Kiwi fruit
Fade spots and get smoother, firmer skin
Kiwi fruit are loaded with vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that helps to reduce inflammation and prevent pigmentation and discolouration. But that’s not all! Vitamin C is also needed for the development of collagen, which you need for healthier, thicker skin. You can also get plenty of vitamin C in orange/red coloured foods like oranges, carrots, capsicum. Blood oranges are another great pick.
4. Brazil Nuts
For smooth and tight skin
I love brazil nuts. They are loaded with selenium, a nutrient powerhouse that helps maintain elastin, a protein that keeps your skin smooth and tight. Snack on a handful of brazil nuts, crush them and add them to a salad by shaving them onto grilled veggies for more crunch.
5. Salmon
Helps with acne, eczema, and psoriasis
Don’t skimp on your healthy fats if you have acne, eczema, and psoriasis. Oily fish like salmon is loaded with EPA and DHA, healthy omega-3 fats that help to combat skin inflammation.
Try my favourite Salmon Poke Bowl or Teriyaki Salmon.
6. Avocado
For clear, hydrated skin
Did you need another reason to love avocado? I didn’t think so. But it may help to know that adding avocado to your sandwich, salad or breaky bowl with help balance those blood sugar levels. This means more stable mood, energy, hormones and clearer skin.
7. Yoghurt
Helps with acne, eczema, and psoriasis
Make sure you get yoghurt that contains probiotics – as opposed to just ‘live cultures’. They aren’t the same thing.
The probiotics in yoghurt help reduce inflammation for clearer, more spot-free skin. I like to go for plain Greek yoghurt which I drizzle with honey to be a little sweeter.
8. Pumpkin Seeds
Help acne spots heal
Self-conscious over a spot that is taking ages to disappear? Eating foods high in zinc like pumpkin seeds (also known as pepitas) will help with wound healing and can help clear up the spots fast. I prefer eating seeds than taking a zinc supplement.
I LOVE pumpkin seeds on salad for crunch and I also add them to my morning yoghurt for more fibre, prebiotics and healthy fats.
9. Oats
Contain silica for thicker hair, stronger nails and firmer skin
Whole-grain cereal naturally contains silica, a nutrient that helps to keep skin elastic and collagen healthy. You may have seen silica supplements which you can use if you have very brittle hair, nails and skin or you can also eat foods containing silica like strawberries, apples, cucumber, asparagus and honey. Oats will also keep your blood sugar levels more stable for better skin.
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Back to Basics will help take the guesswork out of healthy living. And it’s something you can stick to.